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Steak is one of the popular dish in the world that many enthused culinary lovers. To enjoy a perfect steak, in addition to chef with professional cooking techniques, of course it takes the quality of meat is good and fresh. This time, i had the opportunity to attend Aurora Angus Beef launching event, held by Primakuro Intitama Seleksindo which is one of the distributors of quality Japanese wagyu meat in Indonesia.
Steak is one of the popular dish in the world that many enthused culinary lovers. To enjoy a perfect steak, in addition to chef with professional cooking techniques, of course it takes the quality of meat is good and fresh. This time, i had the opportunity to attend Aurora Angus Beef launching event, held by Primakuro Intitama Seleksindo which is one of the distributors of quality Japanese wagyu meat in Indonesia.
The event was attended by several people in the restaurant industry, chef and media in Jakarta. The location is right in Nuage Pool Garden & Lounge inside a hotel area of North Jakarta, Whiz Prime Hotel. In the pool area with the surrounding greenery, this event will be guided by the celebrity chef of Indonesia's famous Chef Chandra Yudassawara.
Chef with a neat ponytail hair style is his style, has a popular TV show Chef Table. Here he became the main chef serving steak dishes prepared from this Aurora Angus Beef. With grill techniques, rib eye pieces that look tempting to produce a fragrant aroma when on the grill.
Obviously all invited guests were so enthusiastic queuing for the taste of this premium beef from Midwest America. 77% of people believe that the quality of beef from the Midwest has a better level than the other region of America. In America itself, the Aurora Angus Beef is already used by many restaurant industries and become a popular meat choice.
Not only is the brand offered from Aurora Angus Beef but also the origin of where this quality meat comes from. using the Traceback® DNA technique proved to identify the origin of beef products. Through a detailed process, each DNA of beef will be chosen which is best served to the consumer.
The event took place with a festive, although heavy rain flushed the wet pool area, guests still enjoy the meal comfortably in the indoor area. In addition we also served with a selection of wine that matches the Aurora Angus Beef dish is Clarendelle 2012 with the aroma of fruit and oaky that blends perfectly, full body and otherwise with a medium acidity.
For more information, you can take a look at Primakuro for product details available or call directly by phone. For a perfect beef dish would require good quality ingredients. Aurora Angus Beef will certainly be a suitable choice and guaranteed quality. Also of course with the right technique and storage become another important factor as well.
Yovent A full-time Food Blogger & Social Media Influencer who has been travelling overseas with huge enthusiasm exploring culinary world. Living in Jakarta with variety of culture, food style and starting blog since 2014 early. With couple of years experience, he has good references and inspiration in food photography & writing.
Primakuro Intitama Seleksindo,
Tel: +62 812 1328 1524
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