First time having try one of teppanyaki restaurant in Grand Indonesia Mall, Tairyo Japanese Restaurant. This restaurant is spotted at 5th floor around hte spot used for bazaar normally. Not really crowded during weekday after work than on weekend, almost all tables are full.
Tairyo has japanese concept which is specialized in teppanyaki dish. They also provided each tables face to teppanyaki grill. We are available to pick any various dish start from vegetables, chicken, meat and seafood also others choice of rice and noodles.
Each person is served with miso soup. It has warm, and nice sense of miso. It is good while it still warm.
Sea Bass has good taste and it fresh, perfect with mayo sauce, and also rice cooked well done. No matter, another sushi roll also have good bite. I think each ingredients has been prepared in fresh requirement.
Then move to main dish, first plate i have is Grilled Dorri, Pan Fried Tofu, Beef Black Pepper Sauce, and sauteed bean sprout.
Dorri such delicate, nice texture and seasoning. Bean curd had soft texture, and beef really tasty, strong taste of black pepper keep up much of eating sense. Another plate i have is Grilled Salmon, Sauteed Chicken, and also Pan Fried Bean Curd.
salmon cooked nicely with it sauce, it does good texture, chicken has nice texture as well, but i guess the taste is bit under seasoning than the beef in black pepper sauce and i also have fried rice, it is not so great too, taste bit plain and rice is too much water i guess.
Over all, the food is good, what special is we are able to watch how the chef cooking front on us, it is mood buzzer before having our foods. Service is good too, waiter and waitress are waiting stand by for the customers.
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