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It doesn't feel like it's been almost 4 months I stopped write the articles since at this time I never visited any restaurant and we know it is also not a good time to invite people to go and hang out in cafes or restaurants. Much sad news where the impact of Covid-19 is very affected on businesses including food & beverages. I also heard the sad news that my friends who worked in this industry also had to experience a reduction in income or even a dismissal.
But on the other hand, there are also positive things where a lot of people got a chance to start a new business since got more time during work from home and get ideas to do something, especially food business. Well, we know that food is always one of the priorities of people, with new normal conditions like this, there are still many people who are not planning to go out or leave the house to be safe and choose food delivery. I myself cook almost every day because I think to save money and so that I able to control the cleanliness of the meal.
But every week I keep collaborating with brands from hotels, restaurants, and even SMEs or small businesses that increased dramatically this time. You could say there are some foods that have increased quite a trend this year. Not only 1 or 2 people make the same food products, even more than 5 to 10 people do the same. Let's find out what else 10 favorite dishes in 2020 as below:
1. Siomay (steam dumpling)
This familiar dish, in fact, is the usual product that has been sold for delivery. But it can also be seen that a lot of people are just starting the food business and choose this meal as their main product. Available ready to eat or still frozen and the customer just needs to take a short time to get it heated. It can be said to process siomay requires ingredients that are easily available such as chicken, fish, shrimp, or pork. In addition, the cost of ingredients is also not too high, and indeed this food is very familiar so it is easily accepted by the market.
2. Empek-empek (Indonesian fish cake)
Almost the same as siomay, the basic ingredients used are quite easy to find. In the original recipe of empek-empek typical of Palembang meal, they are using belida fish but during this fish is not to be found around Java, many people use mackerel as an alternative, besides it doesn't smell fishy and is also easy to process. The taste will certainly be different, but both are enjoyable. This product is sold packed in a frozen way. So the customer will need to fry it at home and able to enjoy it properly. Crunchy, chewy, and good enjoy it along with black vinegar sauce.
3. Sambal
Actually, sambal has been quite a trend from last year, various chili innovations from red chili, green chili, anchovies until squid with various labels can be seen through social media. There is no significant difference, where we know typical Indonesian chili sauce tends to taste salty, only a few may be sweet. The difference may be more to the level of spiciness. The ingredients for this product are also easy to get, even you can plant by yourself at home. The making process doesn't take much time and not complicated as well.
4. Bakcang (Glutinous rice)
The month of Bakcang may have passed last month, you could say enthusiastic bakcang fans increased quite high a few months previously. Seen from March, the amount of bakcang pictures on social media was absolute reach a large number with diverse variants. This meal actually not easy to make, especially when it comes to folding the leaves to wrap the rice dumpling and to create perfect forms of a pyramid. It so happened that June was a celebration of the Chinese community enjoying bakcang, but for some people who love to have it without any celebration, it can be seen many people were enjoying this meal a few months before. It is also present both non-halal & halal
5. Pudding
This is one dessert that is quite easy to make. Parents or even kids may also like to make this during free time at home. Besides the basic ingredients are easy to find and also need simple steps. Almost all people of any age are love pudding. Soft texture, diverse variants of flavor give the attraction. Then the price of the pudding is normally affordable.
6. Cake
If you usually order cake at certain events, at this time there are also many cakes in a smaller size or just like light sweet bites with various shapes and flavors. Because you could say the habits of people at home snacking are increasing and small dishes become a favorite choice for stock at home. I myself do not really into sweet dishes, but occasionally I do enjoy a baked of frozen cake is even better.
7. Bakmi (Noodles)
People usually say that eating noodles is better right in its place than take it away. But in this condition, the noodle business owners get a good solution where the noodles can be sold frozen so that once they reach the customer, boil it in short time and customers enjoy fresh warm noodles. And the good thing is all the noodles are wrapped neatly with separate toppings such as minced meat, meatballs, vegetables and etc.
8. Mentai
Not a new thing actually this one, huh?! Mentai itself is often used in Japanese restaurants that serve modern or fusion dishes. But following the development trends, Mentai even used in various local dishes. From mentai rice, mentai chicken, mentai dim sum, to fried dishes e.g. rissoles or croquette. The development of the digital world is certainly very helpful for us and the food business owners to learn and get new inspiration.
9. Dessert Box
In the pudding is the simple version, well this ming be the more complicated dessert version but it's certainly not as difficult as making a whole cake using the oven. Variants of this dessert box are certainly diverse. From tiramisu, matcha, fruits, coffee, and many others. the price can also vary from the cheapest one could be IDR 20,000 or around IDR 50,000 depend on how good the ingredients. If it were for me, I would definitely choose this kind of cold dessert compared to cake.
10. Coffee
From the last 2 years, the coffee business has become a good trend from a large company to home-based businesses. In this pandemic year, it did not stop the flow of coffee business growth. Many brands also presented new kinds of drinks with attractive offers. New innovations are present in a 1-liter bottle so people can stock up on coffee drinks at home or for sharing.
Here are 10 dishes that I could share in this article. Actually, there are some more dishes that are quite popular this year such as meatballs, or frozen dishes e.g. grilled chicken, beef, fish, soup or seafood as well. But there are similarities between these products. You can see most of the ingredients of the product are easily obtained, the costs are still affordable, the selling price is also not high and the products are familiar to the Indonesian market. Do you think there is something that is your favorite or maybe you get an idea for a food business?
Yovent, a full-time content writer and social media influencer who loves to travel overseas with high passion and enthusiasm to explore the world of gourmand. Live in Jakarta with the diversity of cultures, foods, trends, and lifestyles gives him much inspiration to create the stories. Blogging since 2014, with more than 5 years of experience, he has a good capacity to work in food writing & photography.
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